Remake Irvine Streets for Everyone

Welcome to RISE. We strive to make Irvine a better place to walk, cycle, take transit in, and to be.

Who We Are

This group is composed of like-minded Irvine residents who recognize that together we can make change happen. We monitor local activity that is related to street design, land use, and public transit, advocate for positive changes to the built environment, and collaborate on projects to help streets in Irvine become equitable and safe places.


Take Action

The most important way you can help is to stay informed about what's going on in Irvine and volunteer your time with us as we work to make Irvine a better place to be. RISE is an organization of all volunteers, and every voice in public hearings, newspaper articles, and emails helps.

Follow us on Instagram, where we'll post updates to keep you informed and notify you about volunteer opportunities.


Recent Wins

Here are some steps forward we helped Irvine take.